Friday, February 20, 2009

Criminal Defense Practice Specialties

A summary of common criminal defense practice specialties.

-DWI and DUI Defense - Issues arising from operation of a vehicle (including cars/trucks, boats, snowmobiles, etc.) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while intoxicated or impaired. DWI and DUI charges carry a wide range of penalties and collateral consequences. If injuries are sustained, charges could include criminal vehicular operation and homicide. DWI and DUI charges can range from a misdemeanor to felony level.

-BWI Defense - Issues arising from operation of a boat while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while intoxicated or impaired. If injuries are sustained, charges could include criminal vehicular operation and homicide.

-SWI Defense - Issues arising from operation of a snowmobile while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while intoxicated or impaired. If injuries are sustained, charges could include criminal vehicular operation and homicide.

-Wisconsin OWI cases - Issues arising in Wisconsin from operation of a vehicle (including cars/truck, boats, snowmobiles, etc.) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while intoxicated or impaired. If injuries are sustained, charges could include criminal vehicular operation and homicide.

-Sexual Crimes Defense - Sex offenses vary dramatically depending on the crime. Focuses on issues arising from sexual assault, rape, statutory rape, nonconsensual sex, sexual crime against a child, possession of pornographic images of children, prostitution, etc.

-Internet Crimes Defense - Issues arising from identity theft, computer hacking, cyber stalking, internet fraud, possession of child pornography, as well as many other types of crimes.

-Violent Crimes Defense - Crimes including homicide (murder), manslaughter, domestic violence or domestic assault, rape, theft and larceny through aggravated assault, assault and battery or terroristic threats, arson, as well as many other types crimes that are considered violent.

-Drug Crimes Defense - Crimes including drug possession, drug trafficking, drug distribution and drug manufacturing as well as prescription fraud.

-Property Crimes Defense - Crimes include criminal damage to property, theft, forgery, possession of stolen property, and credit card transaction fraud.

-White Collar Crimes - White collar crimes include many subcategories of criminal activity. They focus on issues arising from embezzlement, credit card fraud, computer/internet fraud, bank fraud, issuing worthless checks, bribery, antitrust violations, etc. Other types of issues include extortion, forgery, insurance fraud, money laundering, tax evasion and securities fraud.

-Felonies & Misdemeanors - Generally, a felony is any crime that may be punished by more than a year in prison. A felony charge might be issued for grand theft, 1st degree assault, murder, rape, kidnapping, racketeering, etc. A misdemeanor is a crime of a less serious nature. More descriptive similarities and differences between the two also help reinforce the importance of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney when faced with either of these charges.

-Minnesota Criminal Defense - Issues arising from terroristic threats, hate crimes, crimes of omission, orders for protection, harassment/stalking orders, assaults (including domestic assault), drug-related offenses, criminal vehicular operation (which can include cars/trucks, boats, snowmobiles) and well as many other types of criminal charges.

-Federal Crimes - Federal crimes constitute a violation of a statute passed by the United States Congress. Can also include crimes committed across state lines.

The information you obtain from this article is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

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